During the holidays, it's a given that most of us spend time with family. That being said, if there are a lot of you, it's tough to find places where everyone can eat something that suits them. We took a ride downtown to have a meal by the water. There were a few choices at Jacksonville Landing and we all decided on The American Cafe. It is a chain however, I'd never been to one, and it wasn't shabby. They were great about making my dish the way I needed as well as other picky diners who joined us. I got a yummy Portobello sandwich with no cheese and a side of sweet potatoes. It definitely filled me up for the rest of the day. To find a location near you, check the American Cafe out online.
One evening, we all popped into a strip mall so that each of us could grab what we needed from lattes to liquor (afterall, it was the holidays!) ; ) I smelled this wonderful aroma wafting from the Heirlooms Bistro so I swooped in. I ordered a delicious salad that was filled with fresh veggies and a super tasty vinaigrette. They had all kinds of gourmet foods, all fresh, and were very helpful to little miss vegan.
Finally, on our last evening in town, we wanted one more waterfront meal so we chose the River City Brewing Company. It's a great place with a beautiful view of the skyline as well as some pretty damn good grub. It's a bit fancy shmancy but the leaf eater was way satisfied. I split some killer bruschetta with my beau (split means I ate 75%!) and I had a super duper house salad. They had a serious veggie plate but after the 3/4 bruschetta, I had to keep it light ; ) If you are ever in J-ville, make sure you have a romantic meal at the River City Brewing Company.
Jacksonville is the pit stop before Florida turns into Georgia and a great one to pick up some savory meals on your way in or out!