If you haven't noticed, summertime is wedding time. One of my many hats is that of a wedding planner so I definitely get my fill come fall be it from working them or going to them ; ) And it is very difficult to stay healthy at such events but have no fear as the healthy, voyaging, event planner is here to help ; )
The trip is exhausting enough as flights or road trips are an excuse to eat fast and convenient. Then you get to the hotel and eat a nice, expensive, in room meal that is most likely greasy and eaten at an ungodly hour. Fast forward to wedding day where you spent all morning getting ready so all you had was coffee and maybe a starchy bagel. You arrive at the glorious event famished so you gorge on hors d'oeuvres and alcoholic beverages. You pick at your lame and tasteless chicken or fish or for us veggies, cold pasta, and you feel like a cow come the bouquet toss. Sound familiar?
Here are a few tips to keep your trip to, at and from the festivities enjoyable and guilt free:
* Pack enough protein bars for the flight/ride, wedding day and trip home. Cliff bars and Luna bars are yummy and Vegan!!
* If you are stuck at an airport, there is always a food court that has some kind of place to get a sandwich or a salad that you can order your way. Smoke may come out of the fast food person's ears but just ask and they will do it with proper instruction. I know it's easy to run to Mcd's but take an extra few minutes to scour your terminal. A lot of ports have "Chili's to gos" now and you can great a salad there or my personal fave, a black bean burger with all the fixin's (sans cheese). If you are running late, don't!!! Plan ahead, eat breakfast and get there on time!!
*At the hotel, try to resist temptation and instead of ordering room service, find the local grocery store, get a cheap cooler and stock up with veggies, fruit and sandwich stuff for dinner and breakfast!
*On wedding day, eat breakfast and don't forget to pack your protein bar. Drink lots of water so you feel full and don't cram a million spring rolls in your mouth at the cocktail hour. Make sure you have told the bride and groom what your diet needs are so the caterers have no surprises the day of. Or else your dinner will be worse then dog scraps since they didn't account for you. Again, plan ahead!!
* Try not to eat all of the bread at the table before dinner starts. If you're starving, then you must have forgotten your bar or snack!! I give you permission to devour your salad and be mindful of your portion size at dinner ; )
* If you're not vegan and neither is the happy couple, eat cake! And if you are vegan, reward yourself by boozin' it up!! For Pete's sake, you're at a wedding!!