
Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy 4th (kinda 5th) Birthday Healthy Voyager!

It's that time of year again - birthday time!  I'm taking a little break this week to celebrate a few anniversaries that all occur this wonderful Spring month of April. First, the 4th (kind of 5th) anniversary of Healthy Voyager. 4th since I began to develop and pitch the show in '05 but 4th since the blog & web show launched.  Next, this April marks my 11th "vegan-iversary". Time has flown and I've loved every moment of my time as a plant eater! And last, but not least, I re-launched  Healthy Voyager Radio this month since my holiday and wedding hiatus ; )  I'm in the throws of a website re-design as well as neck deep in a bunch of new exciting projects coming soon under the Healthy Voyager brand.

So I thank you for "voyaging" with me all of these years and may the next 5 be just as, if not even more, adventurous!


  1. Hey

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    Best regards

  2. Happy Birthday! Love your blog. In fact, we've added it to Ecover's blogroll. Keep the great information coming ... and happy Earth Day too!
    -Deb for Ecover
