- Eat your veggies! Yep, that's one thing that is incredibly hard to do when you're living out of a cooler. Fruit is fairly easy to come by but getting your greens is near impossible. So, make sure you pack some Healthy To Go Go Greens! These green apple flavored packets of nutrition not only taste good but each packet gives you your recommended 6 servings of green veggies in just a few tasty gulps! Mix in with you water bottle and get your veggies while you hike or just hang out. They are vegan with no chemicals or unpronounceable stuff as well as gluten free, great for kids, etc. They also offer vitamin C packs, green tea energy packs, omega packs and more. AND if you order a big box, they send you a BPA free bottle for free ; ) Bring a pack for every day you plan to be away. You will be glad you did ; )
- Drink lots of water!! Activities in the hot sun are a killer mix for rapid dehydration. Keep liquefied and cool. Bring a bunch of water from home in reusable or recyclable gallons. Invest in a hand pump for the 5 gallon bottles as it makes it way easier to refill little bottles or wash dishes. It comes in really handy to fill a bowl to wash your face and brush your teeth you don't want to hit the community sinks or when they just aren't available ; ) Be sure to dump “gray water” in designated areas, away from fresh water sources and not in the bushes.
- Stock up on healthy snacks. Hangin' out with friends around your camp site is always great with some tasty beverages and food. Load up on organic chips and salsa or guacamole as well as hummus with chilled cucumber chips. Grill up pre-made veggie skewers that can be easily made at home and packed in foil and put on ice for the trip. When away from your site, bring bars like vega, purefit, goodonyas or laras to keep your hunger at bay without killing your insulin levels. Lots of great snack options can be found on the Healthy Voyager Approved directory ; )
- Pack as much as you can in reusable bags or storage. This way you decrease disposable food packaging.
- For some of us it's tough to completely fall off the grid! Keep you cell phones, ipods and computers charged with the sun! Use solar panels instead of generators, crank or shakable flashlights and crank radios. Replace disposable batteries with rechargeable, whenever possible. A great stop for your portable solar needs is Sundance Solar.
- Bring enough receptacles to keep your trash separate from your recyclables. Some camp sites aren't equipped with separate dumpsters so haul your own trash to the closest place that can take recycling.
- Be green and bring you own dishes. Invest in some camping kitchen and dishware. Do your best to avoid using disposable stuff. Plus it's way cheaper on your wallet.
- Bring your own firewood. It would seem that using timber from around your campsite may seem eco-friendly, but it actually threatens the forest's future. When fallen trees and branches decompose, they return nutrients to the soil, feeding the surrounding trees and vegetation.
- Stay within your site's boundaries and on paths. Venturing into the forest threatens fragile plants and disrupts the homes of animals living there. And every time you veer off a path, you create an opening for others to follow - which will eventually widen the trampled area and reduce wildlife. Traveling off the path leads to soil erosion and the trampling of native plant life. Also avoid the temptation to throw rocks and remove brush while you’re on the trail.
- Keep campfires small and contained to a pit. Don't burn plastic, metals or woods that have been treated with chemicals. If you use an outdoor grill, dump the ashes in your fire pit or dispose of them in designated areas.
- Follow the rules of the campsite. Especially the bathroom rules as some sites may be on a septic system and anything other then what is supposed to go in toilets or drains can harm it. Be a mindful guest and courteous camper. Your fellow campers will thank you!
The site that highlights the healthiest places to dine as well as alternatives on how to order to keep you in tip top shape when you are away from home. Whether you are vegetarian, have special dietary needs or are just looking for a healthy yet delicious change while you are traveling, we have something for you. For videos, recipes, tips and more, visit us at WWW.HEALTHYVOYAGER.COM!
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