
Friday, October 2, 2009

World Veg Festival Weekend in San Francisco

If you happen to be withing driving distance to San Francisco this weekend, make it a point to spend some time at the World Veg Fest in Golden Gate Park.  It will be full of all kinds of great exhibits, vendors, TONS of awesome food and some wonderful speakers. One you won't want to miss is my presentation at 2:45pm on Saturday in the Garden Club Room. I will be chatting about my global experiences on planes, trains and automobiles as the Healthy Voyager as well as some fun, healthy and green tips that you can use on future travels. 
For more information on the event as well as the speaker schedule,
visit the World Veg Fest website!
Hope to see you there!!
I will be off on some Pacific Northewest Healthy Voyages over the next few weeks but I will be back in time for some fun Halloween tips and recipes as well as some great new healthy city secrets!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Healthy Voyager Radio - Women's Health

Listen to the Healthy Voyager Radio right here!! Featuring Guest Lissa Rankin, Holistic OB/GYN & Founder of

Next week, Pet Adoption and Benefits with Abbie Moore from & Comedienne Lang Parker!