- Plan a getaway: Planning a future getaway can help give you something to look forward to & get through your week. As you plan your vacation, visualize yourself at your destination. Whether it's with your family or friends, make it fun and interactive for everyone involved. The fun can start with the prep!
- Host a movie or game night: Rent a great flick and invite your friends over for some good food and drinks . The visuals will get your mind off the cold and dreary and onto the engaging storyline or tournament. Make it a recurring event that a group of friends choose to rotate each week. This way you always have a fun evening in the books to help you get through your week.
- Schedule playdates for your kids: Just like the movie or game night, kids need fun activities to look forward to to help them through their weeks. Especially when they are starting a new year with a new set of responsibilities. We can't expect them to be excited about homework but it's easy to get them excited about seeing all of their friends who can relate.
- Engage in Fall cleaning: Find therapy and enjoyment in putting away your summer clothes and decor while prepping for Fall & Winter. Freshen up the house with new colorful accents; go through your closets and toss out things you don't wear anymore; and open up the windows and let in the fresh cool air. You may find a ton of stuff to sell at a garage sale so a few extra bucks will definitely make you smile. Or perhaps you start to dig up holiday decorations and your favorite sweater, getting you all the more excited for the months to come.
- A day at the spa: Taking a little time to pamper yourself is always a great idea. We all need to de-stress, unwind and reset. If you can't afford a spa treatment, invite your freinds over for mani/pedis, facials and gossip ; )
- Start a new hobby or class: A great way to get your groove back is to delve into a hobby or enroll in a class. No matter what tickles your fancy: dance, knitting, kung fu or learning a laguage; starting a new hobby is a great way to get your brain excited and out of the boring routine, but also a terrific way to make new friends!
- Make the new routine fun: No matter if it's just you or you and your brood, make the new routines fun. Help you and your loved ones look forward to mornings and other scheduled events by starting a fun tradition. For instance, make Monday "Manic Monday" so get your family ready for the week to some fun and silly tunes, Taco Tuesday and so on ; )
- Goal set: Nothing gets you more pumped then working toward a goal. Writing it down and making sure it's something that is attainable in the time you have alotted, can really put a spring in your step. Looking to shed a few pounds before the holidays to make room for fruit cake? Needing to save up to buy that ring for your girl and propose on New Year's Eve? No matter what your goal, write it up and post it somewhere to keep your eye on the prize!
- Look forward to the holidays ahead: I happen to be a holiday nut so as soon as Labor Day is over, I'm stoked for crisp air, pumpkins in abundance and planning for my Halloween costume! If you have kids or not, look for fun activities that center around the season. Harvest festivals, county fairs and colder weather events pick up now so make it a point to gather up your family and friends and make the most of Fall.
The site that highlights the healthiest places to dine as well as alternatives on how to order to keep you in tip top shape when you are away from home. Whether you are vegetarian, have special dietary needs or are just looking for a healthy yet delicious change while you are traveling, we have something for you. For videos, recipes, tips and more, visit us at WWW.HEALTHYVOYAGER.COM!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Beat the Back to School/End of Summer Blues
Labor Day has come and gone, marking the official end of summer. The kids are back in school, summer hours at jobs have ceased and everyone is back to the grind. It is very easy to slip into daydreams of swimming pools and yearnings for cookouts but, there is also much to look forward to now that we've said goodbye to our shorts and flip flops! I've compiled some tricks and tips to help you make your peace with summer's end and exuberant for the last quarter of 2009!:
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Healthy Voyager Radio - Healthy Messages in Kid's Entertainment
Listen to the Healthy Voyager Radio right here!! Featuring guests Ruby Roth, author of Why We Don't Eat Animals & Musician Ari Shine:
Next week, vegan athlete & creator of Vega Products, Brendan Brazier & inspirational extreme sports, paraplegic athlete, Aaron Baker!